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The training and environment Orangeville District Secondary School art classes create for their students is enormously impressive and immeasurably unique. I have never felt so fortunate and proud to have been apart of the creative group of people and teachers. What they inspire in students is a genuine approach to building their own individual voice and opinion.
- Makayla Lathham (former ODSS student)
Archived Dance Productions
Memento Mori - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Catch the Sky
Memoria's Quilt
So You Think You Can Teach
"A collaborative summative in Digital Media and Dance. Dancers were tasked with teaching and choreographing an ODSS teacher, and the Digital Media studnts filmed the process with only 3 days! The result was an entertaining, engaging live show, created for student audiences in the final week of classes".
-M. Grierson
Course Outlines
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